Very roughly speaking, global warming is worse as you go toward the poles: The arctic and antarctic are warming faster than the equator. But there are plenty of local exceptions and the Washington Post has created a map showing them for the continental United States:
Right now, scientists would like us to hold warming to 2ºC, but as you can see there are quite a few areas that are already well above that. Orange County, where I live, is at about 2.3ºC. Central Los Angeles is at 3ºC. Northern New Jersey and New York are both above 2ºC.
Conversely, the deep south, where climate denialism is strong, has barely warmed at all. Alabama and Louisiana, along with parts of Oklahoma, Arkansas, Georgia, Tennessee, and Kentucky have actually seen their temps decline by as much as 1ºC.
I will leave as an exercise for the reader what the political implications of these geographical differences are.