Brute manliness is the new ideal in the Christian men’s movement. Even the Promise Keepers, focused 10 years ago on moral purity and fidelity, have a new slogan: “It’s not about learning how to be a nicer guy. It’s about becoming the powerful man God designed you to be.” Displaying the most testosterone is a start-up ministry called GodMen, which recently drew 200 men to its inaugural conference in Nashville with the declaration, “We don’t force men, Christian or otherwise, to wear ‘spiritual bras.'”
Within the many books aimed at the emerging movement (our favorite titles include You the Warrior Leader: Applying Military Strategy for Victorious Spiritual Warfare and No More Christian Nice Guy) we found these pearls.
“We don’t need a meeting of Really Nice Guys; we need a gathering of Really Dangerous Men…. If you are going to live in God’s kingdom, Jesus says, it’s going to take every ounce of passion and forcefulness you’ve got.”
–Wild at Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man’s Soul
“In order to become God’s gift to women, we must first become acquainted with a vision of true God-designed masculinity…a version of strength and confidence that makes mere muscle and a cocky mouth seem like a plastic Tonka toy next to a monster Chevy truck.”
–God’s Gift to Women: Discovering the Lost Greatness of Masculinity
“Christ did not come to make men more feminine. He came to restore them to real manhood…many of today’s top speakers encourage men to have a passionate relationship with Him…. Speaking as a man, the idea of having a passionate relationship with another man is just plain gross.”
–Why Men Hate Going to Church