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This Week: Bill Clinton
He’s made the big time now: cruising around on Air Force I, hosting coffees left and right, and dealing with tons of fun and exciting scandals. But Bill Clinton’s roots are from a humbler place. Arkansas — a land of rambling dirt roads, the sprawling Ozarks, yipping hillbillies, and big ‘ol watermelons. After living his first seven years in the optimistic town Hope, Clinton spent his formative years in tingly Hot Springs, Arkansas. The town, Clinton’s own mother, Virginia Kelley wrote in her memoir Leading With my Heart, was a place “where gangsters were cool, and rules were made to be bent, and money and power — however you got them — were the total measure of a man.”
It’s all starting to make sense now, isn’t it?
Slick Willie has been been srcutinized since 1992, but how much do you really know about the man?
Ted Rueter is the author of several books on politics, including The Newt Gingrich Quiz Book and The Rush Limbaugh Quiz Book.