Surveillance cameras in NYC: Bill Brown, New York Surveillance Camera Players, “Maps of Publicly Installed Surveillance Cameras in New York City”.
NYC paths of least surveillance: “iSee maps” .
Intelligent video cameras on NYC subways: New York Metropolitan Transit Authority “press release, Aug. 23, 2005” .
NYC subway announcements: NYPIRG’s Straphangers Campaign“Percentage of Clear and Useful Announcements of Delays and Service Changes, 1999-2004” .
Cameras in London: Urbaneye “CCTV in London,” by Michael McCahill and Clive Norris, June 2002.
Effects of street cameras on crime prevention: “Crime prevention effects of close circuit television: a systematic review, ” by Brandon C. Welsh and David P. Farrington, August 2002.
Effects of streetlights on crime prevention: “Effects of improved street lighting on crime: a systematic review” by David P. Farrington and Brandon C. Welsh, August 2002.
Racial discrimination in closed-circuit TV monitoring: “Surveillance, Order and Social Control” by Clive Norris, 1997 .
Voyeurism in closed-circuit TV monitoring: “The unforgiving Eye: CCTV surveillance in public space, ” by Clive Norris and Gary Armstrong, 1997.
Chicago’s surveillance software: City of Chicago“press release, September 9, 2004” .
Manalapan, Fla., background checks: Manalapan police chief Clay Walker.
Census data on people of Arab descent given to Homeland Security: Electronic Privacy Information Center “Freedom of Information Documents on the Census” .
Census data used to round up Japanese Americans during WWII: “After Pearl Harbor: The Proper Role of Population Data Systems in Time of War by William Seltzer and Margo Anderson, March 8, 2000”.
College registrars turning over student records after 9/11: “American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, Preliminary Results of the AACRAO Survey on Campus Consequences of the September 11 Attacks, October 4, 2001”.
Personal data lost or stolen: Privacy Rights Clearinghouse “A Chronology of Data Breaches Reported Since the ChoicePoint Incident, September 12, 2005” .
Identity theft victims: Federal Trade Commission .
Public’s opinion of identity theft: Cyber Security Industry Alliance”Internet Security Voter Survey: A Call for Coordinated Action, May 2005″ .
Porter Goss’ Social Security number: ” The Virginia Watchdog, July 5, 2005″ . article about Google CEO: “Google balances privacy, reach” .
Google blacklisting Sarah Cain, spokesperson.
Google, Yahoo! and MSN blocking sites in China: Reporters Without Borders “Microsoft censors its blog tool,” June 14, 2005; Jonathan Zittrain, Berkman Center for Internet and Society, Harvard University.
Department of Defense student database: Department of Defense “Media Roundtable with Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness David Chu, June 23, 2005” ; “Federal Register, May 23, 2005” ; “Privacy Act of 1974” .
High School PDAs: “A High School Where the Sensorship is Pervasive,” Los Angeles Times, September 8, 2005; Mr. Jack Blaylock, Director of Technical Services, Grossmont Union High School District.
Chart: Big Boss is Watching: 2004 Workplace E-Mail and Instant Messaging Survey, American Management Assocation/ePolicy Institute.
Gangbanging paparazzi: “Eye vs. Eye: Inside the Photo Wars,” The New York Times, July 17, 2005; Mr. Arnold Cousart, Owner, JFX Direct.
Charging paparazzi with conspiracy: “As Paparazzi Push Ever Harder, Stars Seek a Way to Push Back,” The New York Times, June 9, 2005.
LAPD star search: “Officer’s Star Searches Raise Liability Worries,” Los Angeles Times, April 8, 2003.
Limp Bizkit sex tape: Fred Durst Says Sex Video Was Stolen From His Computer, MTV News Headlines.
FBI backlog: Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Foreign Language Translation Report, July 2005.
Employee email and IM: 2005 Electronic Monitoring & Surveillance Survey, American Management Association.
GPS tracking teens: Teen Arrive Alive.
Undergarment infidelity test: Checkmate, The Latest Revolution in Home Test Kits.
No-fly additions: “Should the No-Fly List be Grounded?” Time, October 18, 2004; Ms. Sally B. Donnelly, Reporter, Time; “Flight Risk Security so Tight it Keeps Infants Out of the Sky,” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, September 22, 2005.
Business traveler background checks: Airport Passenger Screening Survey, Business Travel Coalition, June 13, 2005.
State Department red flags: Improvements Needed to Strengthen U.S. Passport Fraud Detention Efforts, United States Government Accountability Office, May 2005.
Passport radio frequency ID tags: Naked Data: An ACLU White Paper, November 26, 2004; Feds Rethinking RFID Passport, Wired News, April 26, 2005.
Tommy Thompson tagged: Former Bush official to get RFID tag, ZDNet News, July 18, 2005.
Neutralizing RFID opposition: Fleishman-Hillard, Inc. power point presentation, February 7, 2002.
RFID = Mark of the Beast: RFID Foes Find Righteous Ally, Wired News, July 14, 2005.
The Martha Breakout: “The Prison of Bedford,” Vanity Fair, August 2005.