On the subject of moderate Republicans that we’ve been discussing today, video has surfaced of Mitt Romney in a 1994 Massachusetts senatorial debate. It’s unclear if it was posted by a trouble-making YouTuber or an operative from McCain’s camp (or Giuliani’s camp, or, uh, Duncan Hunter’s camp, or whatever), but it is clear that it’s intended to hurt Romney. Why? Because he really seems like a good bloke, the sort of guy who is socially tolerant and accepting. Bad news, bro.
In the video, which you can watch below, Romney says very clearly that abortion should be “safe and legal in this country” and that a main tenet of his family’s belief system is not imposing their beliefs on other people. A reporter says that Romney has made a campaign promise to “do more to promote gay rights than Senator Kennedy” and Romney doesn’t object. There is also a long portion of the video where Romney talks about how American companies “have to draw on the skills of women and minorities” and how he has worked at length to end the existence of the glass ceiling. I mention that only because it amazes me that someone would think that stance is damaging enough to be worth including. Is some member of the Republican base going to see this video and say, “Whoa, Romney thinks women should be equal to men in the workplace? He’s lost my vote!”
Also, Romney apparently lives (or lived) by a personal credo that forces (forced) him to spend one day a week volunteering his time on behalf of those less fortunate than him. It’s really too bad this guy is going to lose in the primary….
Watch the video for yourself.
Update: For more on Romney’s scandalous past as a non-bigot, see our post titled Gay-Lovin’ Skeletons in Romney’s Closet.