Harvey Wasserman, author of Solartopia! Our Green Powered Earth, is an anti-nuclear activist. Wasserman feels that nuclear is a “costly and dangerous curse from previous bad decision-making.” Nuclear is costly, he says, not only fiscally but environmentally. “The radioactive fuel chain is a major cause of global warming,” Wasserman says. Instead, he suggests we embrace wind and solar power, which are “already proven and cheaper.”
Below are highlights from Wasserman from MoJo’s recent expert-led online reader conversation:
“Since you have quoted a Rockefeller study, how about we quote Al Gore, in a letter (to me) dated November 3, 2000:
‘Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding nuclear energy and the Kyoto Protocol. Let me restate for you my long held policy with regard to nuclear energy. I do not support any increased reliance on nuclear energy. Moreover, I have disagreed with those who would classify nuclear energy as clean or renewable. In fact, you will note that the electricity restructuring legislation proposed by the [Clinton] Administration specifically excluded both nuclear and large scale hydro-energy, and instead promoted increased investment in energy efficiency and renewable energy. It is my view that climate change policies should do the same….Al Gore’
This letter is posted at the www.nirs.org web site, where answers to many of the other questions raised in this dialog can be found.”
“There is more nuke than solar/wind capacity in the US not because of market forces favoring nukes, but because the US government, initally at the behest of the nuke weapons industry, has poured hundreds of billions into the technology.”
“I have seen far too many containment domes to have any faith in any of them. No other kind of industrial facility can inflict the kind of damage that can come from a nuke.”
“There is a reason there seems to be little middle ground in these nukes versus renewables debates, which is that there really isn’t any.”
“The critique of corporations is simple: corporations in the country have human rights, but no human responsibilities.”
And here are what a few readers had to say about Wasserman:
“Harvey, I try to approach issues with an open mind. Keeping an open mind means maintaining a healthy disinterestedness, [but] I have run out of tolerance for your emotionally-laden sloganeering. Who are you to define what gets to be harmonious and what must be war? Sun and wind as love from the earth? The sun causes cancer. Wind becomes hurricanes that destroy cities.”—Jonathan Severdia
“The problem with your perspective is that it’s not being implemented, not by SMUD, not by anyone. If you look at who IS building wind-farms and solar (CPS) it’s all the same utilities you’ve been screaming about for decades:FPL, PG&E, etc.”—David Walters
“If you read Henry Wasserman’s comments in his profile, it is OBVIOUS he knows what he’s talking about, and is CORRECT in his assessment. An to anyone oblivious to the dangers that are posed merely from design flaws and human error…read about Chernobyl and gain an understanding of the loss that will impact literally generations and generations and generations.”—Mike
“I gather that you are not enthusiastic about coal, so, without nuclear, how can we produce baseload power to meet projected demand? Massive solar thermal may do the trick for the Southwest, but how do we provide for Buffalo, Minneapolis & Flint?” —Douglas Price