Today’s must-reads:
- Carville vs. the Teabaggers (MoJo)
- Pelosi hits back at health insureres (WaPo)
- What’s Obama Messing Up For Liberals Now? Judiciary Edition! (WaPo)
- Your post advocates a ____ approach to saving journalism. Your idea will not work. Here is why it won’t work. (MetaFilter)
- Tea Party Activists Complicate Life for GOP (WSJ) (Single Tear)
- Great Headline, WaPo: “Incentives Could Create Loopholes” (WaPo)
- DoD institutes new photo rules in Afghanistan (Politico)
- Young Muslims Build a Subculture on an Underground Book (NYT)
- GOP House members call for investigation of Muslim political activity (Salon)
- The Happy World of the New Washington Post Magazine (Washington City Paper)
- No Social Security Cost-of-Living Adjustment in 2010 (Boston Globe)
- “Sometimes, it almost seems as if this country deserves to go bankrupt.” (Ezra Klein)
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