The must-read news from around the web and in today’s papers:
- A glimpse inside the front lines of Obama’s war in Afghanistan: [Mother Jones]
- Obama plans to host a bipartisan summit on health-care reform’s future: [New York Times]
- Carly Fiorina is hardly original in casting a politician as a mere creature: [MoJo]
- Iran will build 10 nuclear plants and beef up its military forces: [Los Angeles Times]
- In a Democratic rebuke, Wall Street begins giving more to the GOP: [NYT]
- Slowly, Taliban leaders are increasingly considering negotiations: [Reuters]
- Anti-terrorism czar blasts politicians who use attacks as talking points: [Washington Post]
- A senior Afghan police official is accused of helping insurgents build bombs: [LAT]
- Sarah Palin won’t rule out a 2012 presidential run: [WaPo]
- Fed Reserve chair Ben Bernanke will lay out credit tightening plan this week: [Wall Street Journal]