News on the environment, oil spills, health, BP, wildlife, and more Blue Marblish news from our other blogs.
Bad Brand: BP’s brand value is sinking like a drop of water in oil.
Oil Into Oilade: The corn ethanol industry may spin the oil spill for a bailout.
Vote of Confidence: Murkowski’s bill to ban the EPA from regulating gases loses.
Death of Climate: Lindsay Graham’s lack of support may kill a real climate bill.
Energy to Spare: A new report shows just how much the world subsidizes energy production.
Gulf Disaster 2.0: A political poll on how we see Deepwater vs. Katrina.
Race to the Top: Whites have a few more decades before they’re outnumbered by minorities in the US.
Regular Coverage: The Tea Party has taken a backseat to Deepwater Horizon coverage.
Map Love: See this map on who actually owns the Gulf of Mexico.
BP’s Master Spin: Despite BP’s lies, the government is taking their cleanup report at face value.
Toxic Soup: Listing of ingredients in BP’s spill dispersants.
DIY DNA: At-home DNA tests are unreliable, and potentially scarring (emotionally, that is).
No Fun: Surveys show that teenagers are enjoying sex less during the recession.
Immediate Help: Obama’s giving seniors help now until the 2012 reform kicks in.
Price to Pay: The BP oil spill may derail recession recovery efforts.
Suicide Spike: Baby Boomers are experiencing an uptick in suicide rates.
Trial and Error: In trying to evade “torture,” GITMO staff may have experimented on detainees.