Florida women can now symbolically incorporate their uteruses, in protest of both the onslaught of bills limiting reproductive rights and the ban on the u-word in the state House.
Incorporatemyuterus.com, where women can file for corporate uterus status, is a project of the American Civil Liberties Union of Florida. (If you really want to take a stab at making it legal, though, you’ll need to see the Florida Department of State Division of Corporations.) Here’s the idea:
Businesses get special treatment these days. If lawmakers and other politicians see your uterus and your body as a business, maybe they’ll work to get government out of the uterus regulation business as they do for every other company.
This was the point that State Rep. Scott Randolph (D-Orlando) was trying to make last week when the GOP Speaker of the Florida House forbade him from using medically appropriate terminology in the chamber—maybe if a woman’s uterus were a private corporation, Republicans would stop trying to make laws about it. Adam has more uterus news over at MoJo blog.
Side benefit of incorporating your uterus: Now it can donate unlimited cash to political action committees! (Hat tips: @jodmentum and @jimhigdon)