Gay?<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:FOX_News_Channel_Stand.jpg">Rae Whitlock</a>/Wikimedia Commons
Oh, sweet Jesus.
America’s Survival, Inc. (a fringe right-wing “public policy organization” that operates this lunatic-conspiracy website) has a new report out. It’s 92 pages long (PDF) and was written by the president of a group called Americans for Truth about Homosexuality. It opens by stating that Fox News host Megyn Kelly is the “new hero to the ‘gay’ lobby” and goes on to demonstrate how and why the right-leaning cable network is increasingly in the pocket of morally corrosive gay activism.
Here is an excerpt from the accompanying press release titled, “Fox News Goes Gay”:
“Pushing Sean Hannity out of the 9:00 p.m. slot, to make way for pro-homosexual advocate Megyn Kelly, is another sign of the channel’s left-ward drift and decline,” said ASI President Cliff Kincaid, a veteran journalist and media critic.
The 40,000-word report…examines how journalism today, even at Fox News, “has become pro-homosexual propaganda, with many media stories appearing as if they were written by LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) activists.” Like other major media, the report notes, Fox News through its parent company, News Corporation, is a long-time funder of the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA).
On August 20, Kincaid is scheduled to give a related PowerPoint presentation at the National Press Club in Washington, DC. He will talk about why conservatives should stop watching Fox News because of the conspicuous gay and lesbian pandering. (In the interest of full disclosure, ASI has also attacked Mother Jones‘ Washington bureau chief David Corn, stating that he had won a “Soviet Agent Award.”)
I reached out to Fox News media relations, as well as a couple Fox News employees I know, to ask about the network’s supposed newfound gayness. “Well, this is an editorial decision I certainly haven’t been made aware of, yet,” one reporter responded. I will update this post if a Fox spokesperson gets back to me about their alleged pro-homosexual evangelizing.
POSTSCRIPT: Fox News has not in the least bit “gone gay.” Hell, it’s rarely even friendly to gay Americans. Conservative columnist and Fox News contributor Sandy Rios has her platform to talk about why Christianity is so great and gay sex is so awful. Ann Coulter frequently goes on the network and says her Ann Coulter-y things, all the while being treated like a folk hero. Fox News radio host Todd Starnes loves discussing how gay marriage is ruining god and democracy, almost as much as he enjoys mocking President Obama for being a covert homosexual. Bill O’Reilly has made the link between same-sex marriage and dudes marrying small turtles and other animals. And the list goes on and on.
But for some people, none of this is “pro-family” enough.