Protesters opposed to Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh take over the atrium of the Hart Senate Office Building on Thursday.Bill Clark/AP
Thousands of protesters descended on Capitol Hill on Thursday, urging senators to vote against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh just one day before a procedural vote to end debate on Kavanaugh’s nomination is set to take place.
The powerful display came as Democrats and advocates for sexual assault survivors slammed Republicans for moving forward with Kavanaugh’s nomination amid a growing belief that the White House significantly curtailed the scope of the FBI’s investigation into the sexual assault allegations that have been leveled against Kavanaugh.
Countless groups, including the National Council of Churches, American Bar Association, and Jesuit American Magazine, have called for Kavanaugh’s nomination to be withdrawn in the wake of Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony that Kavanaugh sexually assaulted her during a party in the 1980s. Retired Supreme Court Justice John Stevens also waded into the political fight on Friday, voicing concern over Kavanaugh’s deeply partisan remarks during his turn before lawmakers last week.
Retired U.S. Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, a lifelong Republican, told a small crowd in Boca Raton that Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s performance at confirmation hearings should disqualify him. “The Senators should pay attention to this.” pic.twitter.com/LdsJTuPGIx
— Lulu Ramadan (@luluramadan) October 4, 2018
A final vote to confirm Kavanaugh is expected on Saturday.
Here are some of the most powerful scenes from inside the last-ditch effort to stop Kavanaugh’s confirmation:
#CancelKavanaugh: Here’s a good view of the crowd making their way to the Supreme Court. “Hey hey, ho ho, Kavanaugh has got to go.” pic.twitter.com/eIcT7hUE5v
— Alejandro Alvarez (@aletweetsnews) October 4, 2018
“I BELIEVE CHRISTINE BLASEY FORD. I am angry on behalf of women who have been told to sit down and shut up one time too many!”
– @SenWarren #CancelKavanaugh #BelieveSurvivors pic.twitter.com/7SWuPuiG7R
— Women's March (@womensmarch) October 4, 2018
We will continue to fight.
We will continue to organize.
We will not rest until every survivor is given justice. #CancelKavanaugh #MeToo #SupportSurvivors pic.twitter.com/zTkUEcHhWT
— Domestic Workers (@domesticworkers) October 4, 2018
— Alex Rubinstein (@RealAlexRubi) October 4, 2018
#CancelKavanaugh protest underway- demonstrators planning to march to the U.S. Supreme Court pic.twitter.com/P7qijwaoPj
— Mina Kaji (@minakaji1) October 4, 2018
WOW, this march is HUGE! Thousands marching down Constitution Avenue to the Supreme Court to #CancelKavanaugh! pic.twitter.com/3VUMO8RbQy
— Daniel Altschuler 🦋 (@altochulo) October 4, 2018
Anti-Kavanaugh protesters have taken over the atrium of the Hart Senate Office building pic.twitter.com/W5yBIU2YOs
— Sabrina Siddiqui (@SabrinaSiddiqui) October 4, 2018