PALIN AND THE MEDIA….Howard Fineman, Ben Smith, and Chuck Todd are all reporting the same thing: the McCain campaign is going to whisk Sarah Palin back to Alaska and then have her hole up for a good long while until they think it’s safe for her to talk to the press. The excuse will be that she needs to tie up loose ends and see off her son Track, who’s deploying to Iraq on September 11th. Perhaps the supposedly horrible treatment she’s received by the media will also be trotted out.
But I say: don’t believe it. These guys are being suckered with misinformation so that the McCain campaign will have yet another excuse to pretend that the media is bent on making up egregious lies about Palin. I don’t think she’s going to be talking to a horde of serious national journalists, but they’ll pick some spots and do a few remotes. Maybe Larry King, despite pulling out of his show a few days ago. One or more of the morning shows. Some simpatico outlets like Fox News or the New York Post or the Wall Street Journal edit page. That kind of thing.
But I’ll bet it won’t be radio silence.