From Will Wilkinson, who’d like to see a libertarian nominated to the Supreme Court but knows perfectly well that Barack Obama is a liberal who will nominate liberals to the Supreme Court:
So I was hoping for a relatively centrist liberal who sees some merit in libertarian arguments, especially about the protection of economic rights. As far as I can tell, there is nothing especially worrying about Sotomayor. She’s obviously super-qualified. And from what I’ve read, she seems like a highly competent, fairly moderate liberal who sticks pretty close to the law (which nobody really likes when they don’t like the law!) and is perfectly willing to side with Republican-appointed judges when that seems to her the right thing to do. What are people going batshit crazy over? I don’t get it. And I really don’t get why many Republicans have taken this opportunity to reinforce the already widespread impression that they are morally odious morons. God, I hate politics.
I feel your pain, Will. The craziness is coming so thick and fast that I can’t even keep up with it. It makes my brain hurt.