Ah, the glories of a wide angle lens. Domino looks like she’s a furry python or something. If furry pythons also had whiskers and paws, that is. Over on the right, we have a repeat of last week. What can I say? Inkblot was out in the garden again yesterday, Marian plonked him down on a rock, and this is the picture that came out. Anyway, I figure it won’t be spring forever, so we should enjoy the flowers while we can.
(And what is Inkblot looking at? Birds, of course. There’s a nest in our neighbor’s tree nearby and the birds get pretty territorial about the whole thing. But their strategy is bad. All their chirping and buzzing just makes Inkblot all the more curious. Luckily for them, he’s also gravity bound and has a short attention span. So they’re in no danger.)