A tweet from the editor of National Review:
Wait a second. This can’t possibly come as a surprise, can it? Has Lowry watched Fox or listened to some of his, um, less inhibited fellow righties at all lately? Hell, it’s a miracle there are still a few conservatives left who don’t believe Obama is a Muslim.
Both Lowry and Bill Kristol1 have gone after Glenn Beck for his nutball conspiracy theorizing over the past week about caliphates and the Muslim Brotherhood. That’s good news, because someone on the right needs to do this. Now it’s time for them to do the same to anyone who helps prolong the maybe-Obama-is-a-Muslim-maybe-he’s-not-it’s-kinda-hard-to-know meme. Then they can work up to disowning Sarah Palin.
1It was sort of amusing this afternoon to watch Beck take shots at Kristol on his show, immediately followed by a commercial break extolling the virtues of the Weekly Standard.