The Pentagon has finally told us which construction projects they plan to postpone in order to dig up money for Donald Trump’s wall:
The projects on the list run the gamut, including a hangar for drones at Kunsan Air Base in South Korea and a wastewater treatment plant at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y. They represent the full spectrum of construction initiatives that the Pentagon undertakes to maintain a vast network of bases and operations around the globe. Many of the projects are updates to facilities that affect daily military life on bases — dining halls, schools, fire stations, medical facilities, roads and parking lots. Others are construction projects that directly impact military operations and training, such as firing ranges, aircraft maintenance hangars, flight simulation facilities and munitions depots.
And guess what? Out of a total of $6.8 billion, a whopping $1.1 billion comes from projects in California. Isn’t that just the biggest surprise? I wonder what loyal spear carriers like Kevin McCarthy and Devin Nunes think of this? They support Trump to the point of embarrassment, but they nonetheless keep losing money for their districts thanks to Trump’s jihad against California Democrats. Or maybe they don’t. Has anyone checked? When Trump screws over California, is he careful to make sure that Republican districts don’t take a big hit?
UPDATE: I read the spreadsheet wrong. I’m not sure what California’s share is anymore, so ignore this. I need to recalculate based on all fiscal years and including only spending within the United States. I’ll do this eventually.
I think it would be interesting if someone converted the Pentagon list back into a spreadsheet and then compared red and blue states to see how much punishment they’re getting. Does that sound petty? Then it’s petty. I’m still interested.
UPDATE: I meant billions, not millions. Sorry about that.