Get your Chimichurri Chicken Wrap on! That’s the message of a new Jamba Juice website that blatantly rips off the late, great comic strip Get Your War On. It’s got the familiar clip-art office drones, but they’re no longer ranting profanely about the murderous absurdities of the Bush years and the depredations of global capitalism. Instead, these guys just want to “capitalize on a Gobble’licious Sandwich.” GYWO creator David Rees, rightfully annoyed, has declared “No Juicetice, No Peace!” But he also gets that there’s not much he can do about a big company appropriating appropriation from the cool kids. His advice to his supporters:
Pray. Pray for the destruction of the Temple of Juice. No, seriously? Just remember that most corporations are lame, and most advertising/marketing agencies are lame, and this kind of lame, dispiriting appropriation happens all the time. Just always keep that thought somewhere in your head. And drink wine instead of juice.
Though I’m kind of wondering if Rees didn’t plant the seeds for the Jamba “tribute” site with his penultimate strip in January. Did this…
…get some ad team thinking it would be clever to answer with this?