My favorite Kevin Drum graf today:
According to a recent Pew survey, 55 percent of scientists are Democrats and only 6 percent are Republicans. This is good news for everyone. Democrats now have quantitative backup for their sneers about Republicans being anti-science. Likewise, Republicans now have quantitative backup for their sneers about scientists just being a bunch of liberal shills who aren’t to be trusted on questions like climate change and evolution. We all win!
Plus, four stories for your Thursday MoJo Mix.
1) Where in the World is the FTC? MoJo finds them briefing corporate lawyers in Aruba and Cancun.
2) How many Time journalists does it take to change Sarah Palin’s defensive pull-out story into a coherent “just the frontier spirit we need for national office” narrative? (A: Five, at David Corn’s last count.)
3) From the “Really, This Kind of Racist %)@* Still Happens?” file: A private Philly swim club booted an inner city day camp after members refused to swim with black kids. Stay classy, Philly.
4) Welcome to the High Sierras, where the woods are lovely, dark, and…full of gun-toting narcofarmers. Still up for a weekend hike?
Laura McClure hosts podcasts, writes the MoJo Mix, and is the new media editor at Mother Jones. Read her investigative feature on lifehacking gurus in the latest issue of Mother Jones.