As movements for justice and human rights continue to expand across the United States, coalitions for change are mobilizing worldwide on the strength of protests that are getting results, including in Cairo. Egypt’s capital was named the most dangerous city in the world for women in a recent Reuters poll, and pernicious street harassment is a familiar feature of daily life for Egyptian women, 99 percent of whom have been sexually harassed, according to a United Nations study within the past decade. But the #MeToo movement is growing as more women find paths for action and accountability. Three days after an Instagram page went up with dozens of women’s accusations of assault and harassment by an elite university student, police arrested him—a rare result. Before that, a historic conviction was issued by a judge who sentenced a harasser to two years in prison, and Egyptian celebrities are speaking out against harassment in a video campaign by the Egyptian National Council for Women.
Egypt’s #MeToo movement isn’t new or unfamiliar to many people in the United States who see patterns of resistance and strength across countries, but the movement is reaching new milestones, with support worldwide. If you have family, friends, or personal insight into Egypt’s reckoning with street harassment, and stories of community-driven change, let us know at